Introducing Our “Farewell Mug” Project
Steps and Details in Creating Your Own Signature Mug
Step #1: Setting the signing stage You will need
- 1 or more sheets of clean white paper
- A bold ball point pen. Recommend black gel pen but any color will work.
- A clean folder or envelope to keep your sheet(s) of paper in
- Recommend a clip board for convenient handling

Step #2: Collecting Signatures & Messages
It makes no difference on how large anyone writes or at what angle.
Each signature/message will be individually extracted from the signed sheets of paper and then resized & rotated to best fit the final mug print.
But there are a few points to avoid
- Do not fold the sheet(s) of paper.
- If using more then 1 sheet of paper, keep a clean blank sheet of paper between each of the signed sheets.
- Avoid writing at the very edge of the sheet(s)
- Avoid any signature/ messages from crossing or touching another signature/message when writing.
- No need to use color in the messages, we will add any spot coloring upon request
If you also wish to add an images, photos, logos etc then while collecting signatures/messages you should secure any other images etc you would like us to incorporate into the final layout/design. We will assist you upon request through the whole process and we may also offer ideas or suggestions as we move forward through your project.
Step #3: Getting the Signatures & Messages to us for Your Farewell Gift:
This is the simple part, you have a couple options, you may get the physical pieces of signed paper to us either by mail or using one of our Concord affiliates such as “Seams To Fit” or “South Street Market” in Concord, NH.
If you have access to a scanner or steady hand and decent camera you can capture a high resolution photo of your sheets and e-mail them to directly using the contact form below (you may direct any questions or comments in the form below also)